If you’re considering a new online marketing strategy, real estate blogging should be at the top of your list – and with good reason. Blogs allow you to showcase your real estate knowledge while increasing your Google ranking and brand awareness simultaneously. Research has shown that real estate professionals who blog often are perceived as more trustworthy, knowledgable, and experienced than those who don’t. More importantly, blogs are a surefire method to generate quality leads!
Unlike other online marketing methods, blogging does not require any technical skills. To start your own real estate blog all you need is 30 minutes. Blogging is all about sharing your knowledge – the same knowledge you’re already using to advise your current clients and leads. Whether it’s market stats, neighbourhood info, or changes to mortgage rules – these are all things you already know! So what are you waiting for?
Related Post: How to write a real estate blog in 30 minutes or less.
1. Enter the Blog Platform
Simply login to your website, once inside the Dashboard click on Blog
2. Write your Article
Select your topic and begin writing! Each post generally includes a title, content, keywords, and a photo.
3. Publish your blog
You can even post-date your blogs if you want to write several at once and publish them on specific dates!
4. Manage your posts
Our platform allows you to edit your blogs, manage SEO tags, view the performance of your articles and more!
Real estate professionals who blog often generate more leads than those who don’t. Blogs create an ideal environment for lead generation in two ways.
When you’re publishing blogs, search engines like Google receive signals to improve your ranking. For one, you are showing search engines that your website is active and relevant. Secondly, as you blog often about specific topics (e.g. Mississauga Market News), you are also telling search engines exactly which keywords you want to be ranking for.
When you share your blog posts to social media (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn), you are bringing hundreds of eyes on you. Whether or not these people actually click on your articles; you can be assured they are seeing your posts on their social feeds, and are likely reading the headlines of your articles. This is where the magic happens.
Let’s use an example . . .
You’ve been sharing several blogs over the year about the Toronto Condo Market. Later that year, one of your LinkedIn connections (James) considers selling his condo in Toronto. James, being one of your connections, has seen you post several articles about this exact topic. Will James call a random real estate agent or will James feel more compelled to reach out to you, the agent he’s seen actively talking about the Toronto Condo Market?
Ready to start your real estate blog? Start Blogging With Web4Realty’s 14-Day Free Trial Today!